Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Error in libxml2.dll

So the other night I was having a small issue loading the Ruby gem Mechanize into a program I was working on. I kept getting this rather cumbersome error "The procedure entry point XXXXXXX could not be located in the dynamic link library libxml.dll"
I investigated for a while but found no truly helpful documentation drawing to a solution for this rather upsetting issue. Then I came across this site which is all about the creation of the libxml2 library. From here you can easily find and download the latest version of this library. Once I had the library I simply went into C:\Windows and quickly located the old corrupted version of libxml2. When I first attempted to delete the file I was of course prompted with an error that the file could not be deleted because it was in use. After a quick change of the file name I deleted the old library, I then cut and pasted my way to sanity. Quite simple, YET I figured one day someone just might find this useful ;)

Monday, October 26, 2009

DirSnatch _v2.0

Alright so I know I have not posted anything in a while, my bad guys. So this weekend my brother (cktricky) and I worked on our program DirSnatch. It has a pretty nice GUI now and I would have to say I enjoy coding in wxruby. Everything so far seems to be functioning well. If you do find anything wrong then please give us a heads up and we will begin fixing any issues. Feedback and comments are much apriciated as well. Up next we will be working on QwickR. :)